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Life on Mars VI

Immagine del redattore: Marin PavicMarin Pavic

Otvorene su prijave za još jedan Marsovski trail! LIFE ON MARS Trail, VI. EDITION, METAJNA, 25.03.2023.g.!

Vaša nova Marsovska prilika je ponovno otvorena! Jeste li ikada sanjali o istraživanju crvenog planeta? Ponovno su otvorene prijave za Life on Mars trail i ovo je vaša prilika da ponovno testirate i nadmašite svoje granice!

Ovo izvanredno putovanje odvest će vas sa Zemlje na Mars u Novalju, gdje možete birati između tri različite kategorije: Challenger 24km – 650mD+, Active 15km – 300D+ i Light 7km - 200mD+.

Challenger 24 km je najhrabrija opcija s konceptom staze koja se kreće pješačkim i planinarskim trail putevima, uključujući područja koja zahtijevaju gaženje kroz more do 50 metara! Savršena kategorija za sve one koji žele ekstremnu avanturu.

Active 15 km slijedi markiranu stazu po planinarskim i trail putevima bez okrjepnih stanica; idealno ako želite neku srednju razinu težine, ali se još uvijek osjećate izazovno u svojoj okolini. Na kraju slijedi laganih 7 km (Light) koji također slijede markiranu stazu, ali su pogodni za one koji žele lakšu avanturu bez previše napora ili stresa.

Osigurajte svoje mjesto još danas, jer mjesta se pune munjevitom brzinom! Ne propustite ovu nevjerojatnu priliku da istražite jedan od nama najbližih planeta dok izlazite izvan svoje zone komfora. Što bi moglo biti uzbudljivije od sudjelovanja u ovom jednom životnom iskustvu? Otkrijte Mars na otoku Pagu!

Prijave: Josip KrnićVisitnovalja Ivan KapovićTrekingLiga

The opportunity of a lifetime is here! Have you ever dreamed of exploring the red planet? Now, applications for the Life on Mars trial are open, and it’s your chance to test and push your limits!

This remarkable journey will take you from Earth to Mars in Novalja, where you will have the unique experience of living in an extra-terrestrial environment. You can choose from three different categories: Challenger 24km – 650mD+, Active 15km – 300D+ and Light 7km - 200mD+.

Challenger 24km is the most daring option with a trail concept that moves along hiking and trail paths, including areas that require wading through sea up to 50 metres! Perfect for those who want an extreme adventure.

Active 15 km follows a marked path along hiking and trail paths without any refreshment stations; ideal if you want some mid-level difficulty but still feel challenged by your surroundings. Finally, there's a light 7 km category which also follows a marked path but is suitable for those looking for an easier trek without too much strain or stress involved.

Secure your spot now, as places are running out quickly! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to explore one of our nearest planets while pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. What could be more exciting than taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime experience? Discover Mars on Pag island! Apply today before it's too late!

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